Active against Racism

  • Alliance Against Racism – for a fair and humane Saxony

The ENS is founding member of the Alliance Against Racism. Not only since 2014, we have identified and fought the whole spectrum of racist phenomena in institutions and administrations (including our own), in which refugees, migrants and people of color are affected.

The ENS and the Alliance Against Racism advocate for a peaceful world, which is characterised by solidarity, the respectful co-habitation of all people and fair and equal access to material and immaterial resources. We stand for a society, in which human rights are respected in accordance with UN Human Rights Charter, so everyone can live without racism and discrimination regardless of their religion or heritage.

What can and what do we want to do?

We tie our different perspectives and resources to extend knowledge and skills related to discussing and fighting all shapes of racism.

We constitute a lobby for people who are affected by racism.

We impart and support learning opportunities which work against right-wing populism, racism and global causes of the flight of refugees.

We place the discussion of criticism of racism in the public sphere of Saxony.

The Alliance Against Racism is open to any members and goals that stand within the collective self-conception.
(contact: Dorothea Trappe)


  • Exhibition and educational material for rent „white-black -What would be, if…New perspectives on usual pictures“


Imagine, we live in a world, where everyone has the same rights and opportunities, independent of their skin color. Then anyone could occupy any role and no one would be surprised by such. We made the test: Pedestrians in Dresden and Berlin were asked to look at a series of pictures by development cooperations. They were asked to underline and comment on pairs of photos, in which the same motives/scenarios but interchanged roles are pictured. Our exhibition „white-black“ shows these photos including the reactions of the pedestrians on five textile banners. The interchanging of the roles will turn the reality of the viewer upside down and provide the opportunity to reflect on certain stereotypes.

Technical details of the exhibition:

  • five textile segments (each ca. 1,20 m long)
  • with loops for mounting
  • steel construction (containing six feet and 16 rods), self-standing
  • designed for indoor use
  • overall height ca. 2 m, overall length ca. 6m, depth ca. 0,8m
  • flexible installation, i.e. the formation can be rectangular or circular; diameter of 3 m
  • loan charge: 25€ per week + costs for transport
  • Click here for the flyer


  • Folder of educational material „white-black“

The folder contains educational material concerning the distribution of roles  in the development cooperation. Five interactive methods offer the possibility to approach the subject in a playful way. We recommend these methods for people from the age of 12 years and older.
(contact: Dorothea Trappe)